Cold season is fast upon us and when you're avoiding social obligations and school obligations because you are on your deathbed, there are a few ways to kill some time.
1. Sleep
Doctors orders! When you're sick the best way to waste time is to sleep! Plus sleeping will actually help your sickness- I think? I'm not a doctor. Consultant you're physician.
2. Drink Water
Water is good people! Not only did it give Khole Kardashian her revenge body but it also helps flush out toxins that make you sick! You will be peeing every thirty seconds but some things are worth multiple bathrooms breaks.
3. Eat some soup
I know what you're thinking- soup is disgusting! I know. But ramen is pretty much really cheap soup, right? There's broth and there's noodles and there's a packet of rare, exotic spices so that should work. Eat some soup (ramen) and let the warm vapors cure your ailments.
4. You Whine (A Lot!)
What's the best part of being sick? Whining incessantly and making sure everyone around you knows how miserable you are? CERTAINLY! Make sure to play up your illness at work, home and your local Arbys- there might be a free roast beef sandwich in it for ya!
5. Not die
Really that's the only thing you have to do when you're sick. You've got your pets and your Tinder account to think about- don't let germs kill you and you're already doing better than 90% of the human race during the Middle Ages- good for you!
Being sick is a drag but if you follow these helpful steps than you will not die and you might just come out the other side a better hydrated and more whiney person!