1. Eating 3 plates of food It is a fact that on Thanksgiving you are supposed to fill your plate up until it is overflowing, and it is pretty rude if you don’t go back for seconds. I mean, someone slaved over the kitchen all day making all that food we can’t let it go to waste!
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2. Having a slice of every pie The traditional pies I can think of for Thanksgiving is apple pie and, of course, pumpkin pie. So, if you don’t at least have one slice of each did you really even celebrate the holiday?!
3. Drinking early Thanksgiving “dinners” are typically early, around 2:00 and 3:00 seems to be about standard eating time. Family and friends usually gather together hours before dinner so the men (and some women) can watch football, and what’s football without beer? Women (and some men) gather in the kitchen cooking and talking, and what is cooking and talking without wine? Drink up!
4. Taking a nice nap in the middle of the afternoonIt is a scientific fact that turkey makes you sleepy so after you get done stuffing your face, and you have been drinking all morning/ afternoon you are a little sleepy. This makes it perfectly normally and OK to be so tired you take a nap in the middle of the afternoon.
5. Wearing jeggings, leggings, or any other form of “fancy” sweatpants to dinner It is acceptable to wearing jeggings, leggings, or and form of “fancy” sweatpants to dinner because you are about to eat your weight in food. Nobody likes to be uncomfortable in tight clothing after eating a lot which makes leggings a perfect choice. Get comfy!!