There are things that you just can't learn about zoom about UWG. Here are some of those things so you can keep it in mind.
1. Dorm Life
You can't experience dorm life through Zoom. It's just not the same, you have to be able to live in a small space with a roommate you barely know. I live in Center Pointe suites but there are also the Oaks and University Suites as options.
2. Z6 dining hall
You cannot experience fried chicken Wednesday's through zoom, there is no smell-o-vision. Or the ice cream bar!
3. East Commons
You cannot experience the pizza through zoom, it's just not possible. Also, East Commons is much easier to experience in person for meeting up with people from your classes for any meal of the day, even before those 8ams.
4. Love Valley
This is right across from the campus center, it's the big grassy piece of land that connects you at the end of the day from where you come from whether it's class or Starbucks, and it will lead you to the other side of campus. You can't experience this on Zoom.
5. Campus Center
It's so big to experience online, there are many things that go on in here, the gym, and many seminars are in here. It will be tricky to learn about this all on zoom.
6. Starbucks
You literally cannot experience a cold or hot beverage from Starbucks on campus. There are also good seats in Starbucks in person if you want to enjoy your drink with some friends
7. Ingram Library
Now this one may seem a little odd, but trust me on this one. The library has everything you need to have in-person from computers to study nooks and even has a quiet floor for studying. You can't go wrong with this in person.
8. The TLC
The main hub for the writing center, lecture halls, and your other smaller classes in the computer labs. I have had several lectures and classes in this building