With Trump having completed his first full week in office, many people are still concerned with what his presidency means for the future of the country. Climate change and the environment has been of utmost importance in recent years and the Trump administration has more than its fair share of critics claiming it is destroying our world further. While we can't completely control what happens behind the walls of the oval office, we can make changes in our everyday lives with the well-being of the earth in mind.
1. Make a conscious effort to create less trash
Something we really don't understand is how much we throw away. The average American tosses 4.5 lbs of trash a day which adds up to a whopping 1642.5 lbs a year. Much of this comes from packaged and processed foods, so if you're wanting to make less trash, you're kind of forcing yourself to eat healthier. Buy what you can in bulk, choose fresh and unpackaged fruits/veggies, and of course, use reusable bags.
2. Recycle more
Half of what we throw away could have been recycled; glass, plastics, and metal are speculated to take at least 1,000,000 (yes, you read that correctly) years to biodegrade if they even break down at all. Every town in America has some sort of recycling system available to its residents, but it's up to us to take advantage of it. In addition, recycling puts money back into the local economy. It creates jobs (collection, sorting/working in recycling plants) AND you can cash in your old Coke cans for cash!
3. Go vegan
I know, I know, you're probably thinking I'm here to spread my agenda on animal cruelty and all that but hear me out. Of course, you don't have to go full-on vegan, but cutting back on your consumption of meat and dairy really does the environment a favor. Factory farming is a serious global concern; it's one of the most plentiful sources of greenhouse gas emissions which destroy the ozone layer. Raising animals for food also takes a toll on the earth's limited resources. It takes approx. 441 gallons of water to produce one pound of ground beef, let alone all the time and other resources that go into raising animals.
4. Save gas, walk or bike instead
It's a no brainer that our cars, trucks, etc. are one of the biggest reasons for our massive carbon footprint. Walking, riding a bike, and carpooling can all reduce carbon emissions into the air. PLUS you're getting exercise and not wasting money on gas.
5. Join a conversation
If you disagree with something, make your voice heard. Protest (peacefully) to get your message across; you can gain great traction for your cause by speaking out on the negative consequences Contact government officials in your area; your representatives are there to do exactly that - represent you and your ideas. They are your voice in larger-scale political matters.
What else can you do to help the environment?