It happens to all of us from time to time. We may have an upcoming deadline but have no material to use, or we may want to write stories or articles and yet can't think of anything to write about. Well here are a few things you can do to help out when you have a case of writer's block.
1. Set it aside
Don't try to force yourself to come up with something just like that. It is nearly impossible and when you actually come up with something, it may not be well thought out and/or rushed. Put your work aside for a little while and take a break. Let ideas form in your head before continuing.
2. Ask someone for help
Obviously, don't steal their ideas, but you may want to listen to their suggestions. Everybody's ideas are worth listening to and taken into account. You never know, they may come up with an idea that you are in love with.
3. Look back at previous work
You may be able to look back at previous work you or someone else has done for ideas. Looking back at past articles/stories is a great way to reminisce and gather your thoughts.
4. Brainstorm your ideas
Maybe you have multiple ideas and can't choose one or you may have a small idea that can be made into a bigger more detailed one. Whatever the reason may be, brainstorming is a great way to get something on the page. Even if you don't end up using that information, at least you got your ideas out.
5. Create a survey
If you have multiple ideas but can't decide or small ideas that could be fleshed out, you could create a survey for people to choose which one they think would be the best to look more in to. This would be a great way to get the community to be more involved.
Whether you have no ideas or multiple ideas, there are several ways to sort out your writer's block.