Donald Trump's approval rating has hit yet another all-time low. With Gallup marking it at 38% (with a disapproval rating of 57%), TIME Magazine is reporting a poll with an even lower approval rating than that! Hard to believe, I know. But in lieu of his crappy presidency, I have compiled a small but amusing list of things that I think have a slightly better approval rating than Donald Trump.
1. Nickelback
Yes, we all know they suck. But do they suck as much as our current leader down here in America? Probably not; I'd say that this Canadian "band" definitely has a higher approval rating than Trump.
2. Quite a Few Really Bad Movies
I must admit, I spent a lot of time searching and musing over really crappy things that could potentially have a better approval rating than Donald Trump. During my searching, I found this Buzzfeed list and this Bustle list. There are movies on here that I have never hear of...and better yet, there are movies on here that I had erased from my brain...but all of them are definitely better than Trump.
3. Cleaning Up the Bathroom After Someone Else Has Destroyed It
If you've ever worked in the service (more importantly, food service) industry, you may have had to clean someone else's evacuations out of/off of the toilet, sink, and/or floor. I know that I definitely have. There's nothing like smelling and scrubbing up someone else's poo/vomit/God only knows what else out of a bathroom that isn't "yours" to begin with, before returning back to your meaningless work. It's nauseating. But what is even more nauseating is Donald me.
4. A Really Bad Hangover
The lights are too bright, the noises are too loud, your head is pounding, and you feel queasy (*vom*). It's probably one of the worst feelings in the world, and you usually are filled with regret and self-pity to go along with the physical side effects. But honestly, I'm pretty sure the nastiest hangover in the world would have a higher approval rating than Trump. (I'd even wager that food poisoning would have a higher approval rating than Trump.)
5. Cockroaches
I am terrified of cockroaches. I don't trust those scurrying motherf*ckers one bit. They move way too fast, they can survive a nuclear blast, and they're just plain nasty!!! But I would wager a bet that they even have a higher approval rating than our current president.