We all can agree that the thought of entering high school was nerve wracking, or if you haven’t experienced that yet, then it is nerve wracking. The final four until the next chapter of your life starts, no big deal right? Well if I was told these 5 little things before I started high school, those four years would of been handled so differently.
Get involved: This one is the most important. High school is the time where you start to find out who you are. The only real way to find out if you enjoy doing something is to well get involved! There are so many ways that you can do this… Sports every season, band, vocational courses, student council - you name it, there is something out there for you. Take advantage of the time you have to try classes out for free. Once you hit college, you’ll be spending anywhere from $1000 to $3000 a class to see if you “like it.”
Don’t date anyone: When I was in high school I dated two different guys. It's all fun and games until, well, you get fighting, start focusing on them more then your school work, you put them before your friends, so on and so forth. Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of high school sweet hearts out there who are now married. But honestly save yourself the stress. Your life is just beginning. You’ll have all the time in the world to date someone after high school.
Bust your butt the first three years: I get it, 7 classes a day can be rough. But take that extra hour to study for the exam, attempt that extra credit question, and pay attention in class. If you do these extra steps your senior year will be a breeze. You’ll have much more to focus on that year than worrying about getting all of your credits to graduate.
Don’t be a follower: Do your own thing. Don’t just sign up for a Maine Wild Outdoors class because your boyfriend did, because you’ll both be climbing the same mountain for that final. We all know who doesn’t really want to do that. Don’t start acting up in class just because the person next to you is, you’ll end up both getting in trouble and that's getting you nowhere except getting a reputation in front of your teachers.
Leave the drama at the door: Your “friends” are going to talk behind your back, people will not like you, and things aren’t always going to go your way. Take a deep breathe and let it go. When you graduate you’ll never see or talk to ¾ of these people anyway. You’ll also have less to stress on.
No these 5 things are not going to make you pass every class or get you into Harvard, but they will give you some insight on how to handle those 4 crazy years. Take each day one by one and you’ll do just fine.