Highschool is an important time in everyone's life. It's the beginning to an end. A place where you're meant to push yourself while also trying to find out where you fit in. For some high school is the best time of their lives, for others the worst. However there's one thing that everyone who's gone to high school knows, and that's the constant reminders. For instance when you were a freshman you probably heard "high school is the best time of your life. So enjoy it while you can," or maybe the casual, "don't do drugs, stay in school" campaign slogan. The real question that I have for high schools, is why don't you give freshman advice that will help them for their last years in school? Here are 5 topics that I wish I would've known as a freshman.
1. Don't have expectations that are too high
High school is already a difficult time, so don't strain yourself when trying to create the perfect high school experience. It's okay not to date or be in a relationship. It's okay to not take honors classes. It's okay not to go to sporting events. Do what makes you happy, not what Zac Efron did in high school musical.
2. Don't get to attach
When you're in middle school, you're more than likely with the same group of people,who are in your grade, for all 9 hours of school. However in high school, you're in class with people who are grades above you. So when this happens you may loose friendships, but don't fret too much. Sometimes people come into our lives for certain reasons and when others leave, it could be for the best.
3. Do what you want
As stated in point one, you aren't Zac Efron in High School Musical. With that said, you have the power to do what you want. Don't let others pressure you to do something because most of the time it's stupid and it'll get you in trouble. So do what you want, not what the clique wants you to do.
4. Don't Care what Others Say
High school a stressful time. You worry about your GPA, wether they'll be a test next block, gaining community service hours, etc. With all of these occurring, it's best if you don't care what others say. You are you for a reason and if others have something to say against it, then they don't know who they are. I can promise that the day you stop worrying about how you do certain things or wear certain items, life will be smooth sailing.
5. Embarrassing things are bound to happen
Wether you trip and drop your tray to not noticing your skirt is stuck in the back, embarrassing things happened to the best of us. The one thing to remember about this is that people will only notice for 5 minutes, but after that it'll be forgotten. After all you're human and we all do stupid things with out realising it.
With all of these stated, I hope you have a successful high school career and enjoy it. As long as you're willing to have fun, it'll come to you. So like the old wiser says, "have fun while it last," and enjoy the rest of this semester.