You know those days when you wake up and instantly feel a vague but unmistakable sense of weariness? Some mornings, it seems I am in a bad mood before the day even begins.
Or maybe your hardest time is in the midst of the afternoon during a rough day. Whenever it is, we all have moments when we feel down. You know—that ugly feeling of stress, unhappiness, and gloom.
When I find myself feeling this way, I have noticed I have a little routine I seem to follow. Here are five things that help lift my spirits when I’m down, and hopefully they can help you too!
1. Clean your space
I am not one to go crazy if things are not super tidy, but it does make me happy to have a clean space. When your room is cluttered, your mind is cluttered. There is something magical about turning on some upbeat music and going to town cleaning your space. When you are finished, you feel accomplished and organized, which in turn makes you happier.
2. Write (or talk) it out
One of the best things you can do for yourself when you are overcome with negative emotions is to release them in some way. For me, there is nothing I want more than to be alone when I am down (most of the time). Typically, I will make myself a cup of coffee, cuddle up with my journal, and pour out everything in my head on paper. My writings are usually prayers, so I surrender my burdens to the Lord and ask Him to restore my joy. Occasionally, I realize my need for others to help lift me out of a rut. Many people prefer to talk out their issues to someone supportive. No matter which way you choose, it is crucial to unleash your emotions when you feel bogged down.
3. Watch a sermon
This is the #1 thing I do when I find myself feeling sad, stressed, or grumpy. I know I will always be uplifted by a sermon. I usually watch a message from Steven Furtick or J.D. Greear.
4. Get out and go somewhere
Go for a ride. Go for a walk. Go to a coffee shop. Go to a store. Go get gas. Just do something. As much as I love being at home, being cooped up inside can drive you crazy. It can also make you feel down. Sometimes it’s good just to get out.
5. Put things in perspective
Ask yourself: “Is the thing I am worried about going to matter five years from now?” We often feel down or sad for no reason, and it is important to take a step back and evaluate how blessed we truly are.
When I feel down, I usually can’t pinpoint a reason. There are times when it just feels hard to see the beauty and color of life. My favorite words to remind myself of are from the old hymn, “His Eye Is On The Sparrow.” They sing:
Why should I feel discouraged?
Why should the shadows come?
Why should my heart feel lonely,
and long for heaven and home?
When Jesus is my portion
My constant friend is He
His eye is on the sparrow
And I know he watches over me
Simply reminding myself of these words can help me to abandon my fears and negative emotions. Life is hard, and we all go through tough seasons. It is ok to be sad, down, or grumpy. But we were made to enjoy life. No one is responsible for your happiness besides you. You have the power to take steps towards a better mood, so what are you waiting for?