I'm currently sitting in the kitchen of my parent's home. I've been staring at a blank screen for about an hour. I have no idea what I should write this article about. It's occurred to me that I could write about exactly that, not knowing what to write. So, here's 5 things to do when you have writer's block...
1. Eat
I eat when I'm bored (bad habit, I know) and my favorite thing to snack on is cereal. I tend to feel a lot better after a nice bowl of cereal.
2. Play with your pet
Okay so, this isn't my dog, but I have a dog. By playing with him, I mean chasing him around the house trying to get whatever he has in his mouth.
3. Watch Netflix
Right now, the show I'm watching is "Bob's Burgers." I usually don't like adult cartoons, but I really like this one. Every single character is great.
4. Take a walk
The best way to get through writer's block is to take a walk. Taking a walk will give you time to yourself and it will help clear your mind.
5. Sleep
Lastly, and my favorite, sleep. I love to sleep and there's no other way I'd rather pass the time.