It's that time of the year. The sun is mostly out, the flowers have bloomed, and the lack of motivation has solidly hit. Spring quarter, despite it undoubtedly being one of the most exciting quarters to look forward to, gets unbelievably difficult once week 6 rolls around.
Here are 5 things we all feel once the spring quarter struggles hit.
1. Do I really have to do this? Nah.
A question we all ask ourselves around this time of the year (let's be honest, we ask this all year long, but especially in the spring). The desire to get the grades becomes second place behind enjoying the sun and hanging out with friends. School becomes less of a priority and much more of a burden.
2. Seeing all your semester friends finish their finals and you are still taking midterms...
When you talk to your friends back home and they are all complaining about having one last final before reaching summer vacation and you're just sitting here, staring at your textbook, prepping for a midterm because it's still week 6 and you have a whole month before summer. The pain is real.
3. Lack of sleep is starting to really bother you.
At this point of the school year, the sleep deprivation is getting particularly draining. That doesn't stop you from having fun at night though. Spring quarter is when you get great at the 20 minute power nap before inevitably staying out all night with friends. You'll get sleep eventually, right?
4. The. tour. groups.
It's at this point in the year when the endless droves of tour groups come to the campus to see what all the fuss is about. Weaving in and out of these groups is by far one of the most annoying things about spring quarter. All you want to do is get to class but, of course, the route is never clear. Not only that but you have to look like the never ending stream of midterms aren't slowly killing your soul and attempt to make the campus an inviting space for the innocent high school seniors who have no idea what they're in store for.
5. The motivation is literally non-existent.
Like myself right now, the motivation to do literally anything productive is gone. Burnt out from trying hard all year, there is a physical inability to get things done. Seeing the sun outside the window sure doesn't help, but the spring quarter struggles really hit when you know you just can't anymore.
Spring quarter struggles are real. Hitting you like a bus, the inability to do anything makes the last 4 weeks of the quarter almost unbearable. But just think, one more month until the joyous freedom of summer vacation. Make it through those midterms and finals, push through the last month of the school year, and try to end it on a high note.