Not everyone has the opportunity to have a sister, but those who do are very lucky. I just so happen to be blessed with a younger sister.
The cool thing about having a sister is that you have a best friend for life, because let's face it she can't get rid of you because mom won't let her. Sisters have a bond like no other, and I'm thankful for the one I have with my sister. I may butt heads with my sister at times, but at the end of the day I still love her; even if I love her more than she loves me.
Here are a few things I would like to say to my little sister:
1. Thanks for always being there.
My sister has always been there for me regardless of what it is. I mean she kind of has to be since she is stuck with me. She isn't afraid to say what she thinks, and it is one of the qualities I admire most about her. She can be stubborn at times, but she is the first person to tell me to stop being dramatic about the little things in life.
2. Thanks for always listening.
Fortunately I can always count on my sister to answer the phone and let me rant about whatever may be happening that day. It doesn't matter what I could be talking about, I know she'll always listen to me.
3. Thanks for always embarrassing me, even when it I'm not okay with it.
My mom use to always say "stop messing with your sister because one day it's gonna bite you in the butt." LOL, jokes on me because my sister now makes it her duty to embarrass me on social media everyday. I'm not kidding either, she will call me out like its not a big deal!
4. Thanks for your sarcasm.
My sister is known for being sarcastic any chance she can get. However, despite knowing this well known fact about her, I sometimes fail to catch her sarcasm. Honestly, it would be weird if she wasn't sarcastic 24/7. So keep doing you girl.
And lastly...
5. Thanks for your unconditional love.
I have been fortunate enough to have a loving sister that loves me back, y'all! HAHA. While I may be the one that loves her more...(haha jk)
Seriously though thanks Hannah for being my sister!! More like thanks Mom and Dad for giving me a sister. I am thankful for you in so many ways and can only hope to be the best sister possible. Keep on embarrassing me, because I know you will. I love you big!