Being an adult usually means shedding our childish ways, but it doesn't always have to mean that. Adults still like to have fun as much as kids do even though our definitions of fun change. Although it is not always the case for some things. As I've gotten older I've noticed myself doing things that I used to do as a kid such as:
1. Putting Black Olives On My Fingers
Admit it, we have all done this. There is just something so invigorating as playing with our food in this way as adults. We should know better, but really, who can resist doing this? Or doing this with a friend and secretly biting a black olive off of their finger when they're not paying attention? Priceless.
2. Playing With "Adult" Play-Doh
For many adults they may still play with actual Play-Doh, but for me, as an artist, my kneadable eraser has become my own "adult" Play-Doh. I love making things out of it, and even as I talk on the phone I am always playing with it. I think it reminds me of when I was a child and how carefree times were, where I could pull out my Play-Doh and create anything my heart desired...even if my people did have purple hair and blue skin.
3. Riding Shopping Carts Like A Chariot
I remember always doing this and then getting yelled at for it, but it was totally worth it. There is nothing like the thrill of being able to ride a shopping cart downhill to your car. Now the next time you run to the store and you have a cart full of things you bought, hop onto the back, and relive those childish adventures where you were the one controlling the chariot, and you always win.
4. A Blanket Is The Only Thing Keeping The Monsters From You
I still do this. I admit it. No matter how old you get, you will still keep your whole body on your bed and tucked away under your blanket, you know, because of the monsters under the bed. As we get older, we learn that there really aren't monsters, but it still is a security thing. It makes you feel safe, and just in case something is there to get you, you took precaution already.
5. Coloring Books
Now I know they make adult coloring books that are supposed to reduce stress, and they're awesome and all, but there is nothing like picking up a spiderman or barbie coloring book and just going to town in it. It's somehow vivifying knowing that you're coloring childish pictures. And who said you can't still color outside the lines as an adult? Have fun with it!
No matter how old we get, it's okay to do childish things. These are only a small handful of the childish things I still do as an adult. There are probably a bunch more, and even more that I don't even notice. One more thing that I still do that maybe you do too, and not even notice it's a bit childish, is eating all the "nice looking" french fries first, you know, just in case you get full, you want to know you ate the best ones. As you can see the list goes on and on. Don't be afraid to act like a child from time to time.