For most, Thanksgiving break is the first time college students actually get to go back to their families and hometowns for more than just a quick visit. After three whole months of living on your own, having a home cooked meal, taking a shower with no shoes on, and sleeping in your own bed never felt so good. Although it may seem like a lot of time to relax, there's plenty to do. With catching up with all your friends, answering questions left and right from your family, and of course the holiday itself, it is so easy to let the whole break just fly by without even blinking. I'm here to help you out, and I made a list of things for you to make sure you do while you're home for break.
1. Eat at your favorite restaurants.
Whether it be a diner or a local burger joint, there are so many places that your hometown has to offer that you forgot you loved so much. So take your family or your friends and make it an effort to go to the places that'll make you forget how bad your school's cafeteria food is.
2. Visit your high school.
Going back to your high school after you've graduated is probably the coolest, but strangest feeling ever. Not only do you get to strut the hallways without having any of the worries you used to, but you get to gloat to all the students there about all the cool stuff you do in college. So go to a sporting event, or even just stop in to say hey to your fave teachers, a walk down memory lane is always fun.
3. Hang out with your siblings.
Between hanging out with your friends and the hecticness of the holidays, it may be hard to set time aside for certain people. You always spend time with your parents when you go home for break because they're usually cooking you your favorite meal that you begged for or doing the monstrous amount of laundry you brought home. Meanwhile, your siblings that either go to school far from you or the one(s) that you left at home have just as much stuff to spill as you do. Schedule a time to catch up, I mean three months is a pretty long time.
4. Clean out your closet.
Find those jeans you totally forgot you had, and that jacket that you're probably going to need for the upcoming winter. Switch out your shoes, bring new dresses back to school. I'm sure your friends at school have seen every article of clothing you own, so change it up while you're home and bring back a whole new wardrobe without emptying your wallet.
5. Do something nice for your parents.
After everything they've done to help send you to school, dealing with you calling them every time something goes slightly wrong, sending care packages with your favorite snacks and sending you money (if you're lucky), your parents deserve a little something. Especially if they're stressed about the holidays, lend a hand. Clean the house before guests come over, help with cooking dinner, or treating them to a nice day off. It's easy and they'll definitely be happy you did.