Are you one of those people that truly want to work out and get fit, but you just don't have any motivation? We have all been there and know the feeling. It's awful, isn't it? Well I found a few things that might help! Here are a few words to let sink in and get you pumped and ready to get out there and sweat!
First, you have set a goal and how you intend on completing that goal. You spent at least an hour coming up with what day you will go to they gym and what kind of exercises you'll do. Do you want all that time to go to waste? No! Perhaps you'd like to work your arm muscles on Mondays and Thursdays and then leg muscles on Tuesdays and Fridays. You'd then have time to do cardio on Wednesdays and Saturdays, with Sunday being your day to relax and be proud of yourself for completing that week. All you need to do is create some goals for yourself and be determined to accomplish them. Maybe give yourself a incentive to reach your goal, like a spa day or going to buy a new pair of workout clothes.
Second, get an accountability partner, and listen to them! When you just don't feel like working out, your accountability partner will be there to get you pumped up to do some sweating, or will at least be there to guilt you into going to the gym with him or her. The purpose of an accountability partner is to be a reminder that you both made a promise to each other, to be there and support one other in this journey to get active. Your accountability partner can be whoever you want it to be. Find a friend who needs an accountability partner, too, and you actually might start to look forward to working out, and even enjoy it!
Third, you've been dying to lose those couple of pounds, haven't you? Or maybe you just want to tone up your muscles to look sleek and strong again? Well there you go; make that be your motivation. Look in the mirror and do twenty or thirty squats. Brush your hair and see some chicken fat? Pause and drop and give me 20 push-ups. Now let me tell you, your appearance isn't going to magically change right before your eyes. It's going to take a lot of work. When you get up in the morning, make it routine to do some curl-ups and hold the plank position for a minute. Believe it or not, this small action done every day for a few weeks will burn off calories little by little that will eventually add up to a lot.
Fourth, you wish you were capable of playing catch, or going for a jog every time your friend or daughter wanted you to join them. You wish you were in better shape so that you were more agile and doing physical activities wouldn't hurt so much. I think repetition is key, here. Set a reminder to take a walk at night before going to bed, or to do always to push ups during commercials on television. Ask your dad to shoot some hoops for 20 minutes a couple nights a week. The more you do little bits of exercise over a long period of time, your muscles will get stronger and stronger without you even realizing it. You just have to keep moving, no matter how small or quick the task.
Fifth, you have shows that air on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7 o'clock, but unfortunately you are at work when they are on television. Looks like you'll have to go online and watch them tomorrow. What a bummer. Instead of staying at home and streaming them on your TV, how about you hit up the gym and run on the treadmill while watching your show. There are some pretty up to date treadmills out there that have screens attached to them so you can track how far you run, as well as have television access to entertain you. Why don't you multitask? Run and catch up on your show at the same time. Don't have a show to watch? Find one! There are tons available on Netflix and Hulu.
I know there will be times in life where your schedule is so busy and stressed out that you just need a break. Of course, we all need a break sometimes. Just make sure to set a time limit for that break, and let your accountability partner know that's what you plan to do. After that time is over, you'll be refreshed and ready to get out there and get moving! Good luck to you, and stay active!