Finals are now in full swing, but there is light at the end of the tunnel! Here are five things to look forward to once final exams are finally over:
1. Sleep
Chances are you’ve been spending a lot of late nights in the library, trying to read that textbook in preparation for your final instead of hitting yourself over the head with it. There have been 2am eyes glazed over paper writing sessions. Being home and having the ability to sleep as long as you want will be amazing.
2.Good food
You’ve possibly subsisted on ramen and coffee, maybe food from Cosi or Swemromas if you’re lucky. Either way, you can’t wait to start eating some real food.
3.Netflix binge watching
" Gilmore Girls", "Friends", or whatever you love to watch has taken to the back burner in your life for the past two weeks, you can’t wait to be reunited and possibly take up another show, because over break you just may have the time to do something crazy like that.
4.Having time to actually see friends
A simple hi and bye on campus or a quick text Is probably all you were willing to give. Over break you look forward to dinner and coffee with some great stories and overall catching up.
5. A general lack of stress and life anxiety
No more horrific homework filled dreams or thoughts of “Was that actually the right answer?”