College is my home away from home, but sometimes I miss everything back in the 518. Just like any other college student I'm sure they can't wait to go home, have a home cooked meal, and not have to worry about homework at all. When you're home there's a few things you can do that you can't really do when you're away.
1. Friends:
Yes you love the friends you made in college, but there's nothing like going back and seeing the friends you made when you were in high school. Your college friends are awesome, but they don't know all the embarrassing stuff you went through like your friends back home do. And when you're the only one who went away for college, it's a non stop hug fest
2. Get money:
After attending classes the last thing you'd want to do is work. But you could make money! You'd be set to come back to college with all the money you have in your bank account now.
3. Hang out with family:
Being with the people who care about you a lot makes the Holidays even better. When you're surrounded by family and being in the same house you grew up in, it could make you realize how much you miss being home. Plus, your family knows how crazy you are, but it's OK cause they're crazy too
4. Hit your favorite restaurant in town:
There's nothing like having a hot McCarroll's breakfast sandwich!
5. Get new clothes:
You can return to college with a new wardrobe! You can give the old pair of jeans a break now that you have a new pair of jeans! New shoes, new shirts! As my dad says, "new year, new me!" You can come back to college looking stylish as ever