Everyone goes through it at one point or another. You look in the mirror and don't recognize yourself. You find yourself in situations that you told yourself you'd never encounter. You talk but don't recognize the words. Sometimes it can truly consume you; make you feel like you're losing control of everything around you. But reconnecting with yourself can be as simple as looking in the mirror. Everyone is only human, and sometimes the only way we can grow into our true self is through the discomfort. Nevertheless, there are some things that can help you realign with yourself when you really do need it.
Pull out a journal, and actually use it.
Sometimes all you really need is to vent. Not only does it clear your head, but it always reminds me that this is just a moment in time. All the feelings and emotions will pass like they always do, and writing it all down is just documentation for growth in the future. So when you see that journal from sixth grade under your bed, pull it out. Sometimes all you need is to reconnect with the voice in your head.
Go for walk, jog, or run with no purpose.
Get some fresh air. Go outside, wherever that may be, and walk with no destination. Don't let your walk to class be the only time you have outside. Find somewhere quiet to reconnect with your thoughts, and remind yourself that you're not alone. More than half the people you pass on the street have absolutely no idea what they're going to do tomorrow let alone any sense of self-identity. Everyone may seem like they have it all together, but hardly anyone does; ease up on yourself.
Make your bed, clean your room, do your laundry.
Sometimes the mindless routine of cleaning can give you a feeling of comfort and safety that other things can't. There is nothing more stressful than having a bad day, and then coming home to a dirty room. Get into a routine of making your bed and cleaning your room, it'll only make your life a little bit easier. It's an easy way to distract your mind from overthinking things, and an even better way of de-cluttering your mind after a long day. Getting back to yourself starts with your surroundings.
Reach out to someone you trust.
You're only human. We are born to grow, to move on, and to evolve into different versions of ourselves every day. So talk to someone about it, get a different opinion. Reaching out to a loved one can only help center yourself, and at best give you a sense of identity and home that sometimes you can't find in yourself. Lean on those around you to remind yourself of the good times and memories that you've created for yourself.
Look in the mirror and take a deep breath.
Whether you love the image staring back at you or not, start somewhere. Remind yourself of the qualities and traits that you admire. There's no shedding the reflection, so coming to terms with it is a huge step in the right direction. You can't automatically decide to be at peace with yourself, but try to reconnect with yourself on a personal level. Remind yourself that falling out of touch only means that you get to pick back up with yourself at a better place; but one thing is certain: you'll be okay.