Every college student has been there...probably quite often actually. Burnout. When you have been working so hard and studying so hard that it seems like you just cannot get your brain to work anymore. The definition of burnout is, "physical or mental collapse caused by overwork or stress." I used to try to push through it and keep working on whatever I am doing, but I have learned that the best way to get through a burnout is to take a step back and just do something else. Here's a list of 5 things to do when you're burning out:
1. Go to the gym
Or go for a walk or a bike ride...basically any sort of physical activity. This one has become my go-to because it allows me to focus on something completely different from school for an hour or two. Plus, I come back to my assignments afterward feeling not only more relaxed but like I have already accomplished something. It motivates me to want to accomplish something else.
2. Take a nap
Seriously, you're not going to get any of your assignments done correctly or retain any of the information you've been studying if you're exhausted. Get some rest (don't forget to set an alarm), and then get up and continue your school work. Even just an hour of rest can make you feel so much better and ready to go. And do not stay up all night studying the night before a big exam either! Sleep is important. Pulling an all-nighter is not going to help you remember everything if you're exhausted the next day.
3. Put down the electronics!
That means your phone, tablet, laptop, etc. Turn all of it off and relax. Believe it or not, taking a break from technology can make us feel like we are taking a break from all of our responsibilities. Choosing a time each day to completely disconnect from the electronic world around us can be good for us.
4. Make some time every day to do something that you enjoy
No matter what it is, if you enjoy it, you probably won't feel too stressed or anxious over it. It will help to relax your brain for a while. For example, I enjoy writing...
5. Don't be afraid to say "No" to people
If you are already burning out because of all of your current responsibilities, don't take on more responsibilities that are not absolutely necessary. For example, if you are doing a group project and someone asks if you can pick up some of the slack on some of their share of the work, say no! It's not your responsibility, don't feel like you have to make it your responsibility. You need to worry about yourself.
Letting yourself burn out and not doing anything about it is basically a recipe for disaster. You may think that you are doing the right thing because you have a lot of school work to get done, but that is not going to help you learn anything. Sometimes, taking a short break and making time for yourself is the best thing you can do for yourself.