So, you’re at college. It took many years of schooling, but you’re finally here. There are so many orientation sessions, wonderful opportunities, and new experiences, and all of it is so hard to take in. Now that you’ve started, it’s important to get out of your comfort zone and try new things. The following list contains the top five things that you should do to enjoy your time at college and make the best out of it.
1. Attend Activities
Many college campuses want you to get to know the community in order to succeed in your studies and be a diverse individual. Attending activities gives you the chance to meet new people and take part in something fun. College doesn’t have to be all about studying, buying textbooks, and worrying about finances – it’s a time to broaden your horizons and get to know the people in your classes, in your dorm, or people that just want to have a good time! The best part about attending college activities? They’re completely free. Second perk? You can make lifelong friends and meet people that may have the same class or major as you.
2. Go to Sports Games
Colleges take pride in their sports teams and athletes. College athletes train and prepare for games several times a week, on top of their studying – supporting them at games makes it all worth it! There is nothing better than playing a game and seeing familiar faces cheering you on in the crowd and knowing that your peers are there to support you. Another bonus? Free sports games!
3. Get to Know Your Professors
Professors are always there to help you succeed in college and get the most out of your experience. During the first few weeks of class, do your best to introduce yourself and ask a question about how their day is going, material from class, or anything else that you can think of. Most professors love hearing from students and it makes their day to know that you are extremely invested in your education. Having a connection with the people that are there to help you can even help you down the road.
4. Join a Club
Joining something completely new can always be a bit intimidating and you may even end up not liking it, but the important part is that you tried it. College is where you discover who you really are, so don’t be afraid to do exactly that! At the activities fair, be sure to check out all the different clubs, intramural sports teams, groups, or other teams that your school has to offer. Participation in something like this leads to making friends with similar interests, appreciation for a new activity, or even a discovery of what you want to ultimately study.
5. Explore Campus
You are in a new place, possibly in a new city, or even a new state or country. Make sure to explore all of the great things that your city has to offer! College students receive student discounts at a plethora of different places so it gives you an excuse to get out and have some additional fun.
Enjoy your time in college. It doesn’t have to be stressful and difficult – make a good group of friends, join and be part of something, and get out of your comfort zone. College only happens once!