We all love spring break, but there could be things to do other than drinking, right? Of course! Here is a list of things you can do on Spring Break besides drink, save it for your next spring break, kids.
1. Read
Now, I love reading. It can be anything, a book, an article heck or even tweets on a daily basis. It's something to kill time when you don't feel like watching so much Netflix.
2. Binge Netflix
Honestly, this could be obvious but damn Netflix is so easy to catch up on over break. I love so many new TV shows, like Breaking Bad or even watching Superbad for the 100th time. It gives you something to do, which is never terrible when on break.
3. Catch Up On Homework
I probably got most of my homework done in the middle of this week. I only had a little bit left towards the end of it, it's nice knowing that I don't have to worry about a lot of it when heading back to class. DO YOUR HOMEWORK!
4. Sleep In
Honestly, all those late nights of Netflix are gonna wear you out, so get some rest dude. Seriously, who ever said sleep is for the week is lying to you. Treat yo' self. Sleeping is definitely treating yourself.