To me, it feels like each year goes by way too quickly and without much warning. That's more of the reason why I always feel kind of sad that I didn't really reach a goal or set of goals. But this year, I want things to be different.
For 2016, I'm going to:
1. Minimize my closet.
This is one of the top things to tick off of my bucket list. I shop on impulse and based on my mood at the time; more often than not, I buy something (big or small, but usually the former) to act as a highlight in a bad day. But this year, I'm going to change and reinvent my entire approach: I'm going to create a capsule wardrobe system that stunts my shopping urges and cycles out my clothes every season. Hopefully it will work...
2. Organize my wardrobe.
This isn't as big of a change as the previous one, but it's still applicable. The KonMari tidying up method, the brainchild of cleaning goddess Marie Kondo, presents a specific style to clearing out and subsequently organizing your home, ranging from the kitchen to the cleaning supplies to the closet. I'm going to put the process in action for my clothes to coincide with #1; there's something therapeutic and balancing about having a tidied-up space.
3. Study more.
I say this every year and always fail to do so in some way or another. I think it's because I've never truly sat down and studied for however long I needed in order to contain the necessary information. But this year, I'm going to stick to it. I have a lot in store for my academic career and I need to accomplish a lot (such as keeping my grades up and even improving them) to ensure that those plans actually happen. It will be a struggle, but it will be worth it.
4. Actually get stuff done when I say that I will.
I'm combining this with #3 because, well, they go really well together. I'm the Queen of Procrastination as much as I am the Queen of Not Studying, which is a very ineffective mix. But in 2016, I'm going to be more productive and proactive with my assignments and other deadlines to meet (applications to internships and study abroad comes to mind...). This winter break will be the start of this new motivation.
5. Continue to be with people that I love and who make me happy.
I've come to firmly believe that how I view myself relies on the kinds of people that surround me on a regular basis. Poisonous people create toxic relationships that are detrimental to the self but, luckily, college has given me the opportunity to meet some amazing people. I'm going to try and stop being a homebody and go out with my friends more, maybe even befriend some new faces.
I've already started 2016 on good footing, so I hope to keep it going!