Summer is less then a day away. If your a college kid, chances are the season already began for you when you returned home last month. As we all know, once the season offically begins, it flies by quickly. To get a head start to your summer, here are five things to do before tommorow and as soon as the summer begins .
​​1. Go to the beach.​
Once school is out, they will be packed as many families take day trips to enjoy the sand, sun, and ocean. Also if you go before June 21st, depending on what beach you attend, you might not need a badge.
2. Attend a Concert/Musical
One of the best things about summer isn't just the weather. It's those outdoor concerts that dozens of fans attend each week. The earlier you attend them, the more you'll get to see once the season is offically here.
3. Reunite with PeopleÂ
It's always great seeing people you haven't seen in awhile. Summer is one of the best times to do so. Doing that before June 21st, can also allow you to see more people during it.
4. Travel
Lines at the airport will be long. Families will be away. Travel destinations will also be busy. Beat the crowd and even save yourself some money. Don't be afraid to book a small trip before everyone else does.
5. Go To An Amusement Park Â
Just like the airports, the lines for rollercoasters and other rides/attractions will be long as well. Take advantage of being away from the chaos now by enjoying those short lines and treating yourself to some time at an amusement park.
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