Now that Thanksgiving break is here, that basically means one thing. There are just about 2 weeks left of the semester, and then finals arrive. Every college student will stress over finals and even get stressed just thinking about them. Below are 5 things to do before finals actually get here to help relieve some of the stress.
1. Make a To-Do List
This list should contain just about everything that needs to get done before finals along with everything that doesn't involve school related work. Make a list that contains things such as cleaning your room, going to the mall, and even hanging out with friends. Also be sure to include the most important things such as doing homework, studying, and organizing your binder. Make sure to put the top priorities at the top of the list to get done first though. The list will go on, but at least you will have yourself somewhat organized and not having to worry about whether or not you did everything will be something that you will not have to think about thanks to this wonderful to-do list that you created.
2. Get in a Routine
College is not the easiest thing that you will ever experience, but you will find it easier to manage if you get yourself into a routine. Set a time where you work on your homework and nothing else. Also set aside some time to study notes or any other important information. In addition to that, try your best to get as much sleep as possible by trying to get to bed around the same time every night. Once you get into your routine, you will feel much better about yourself and about everything in general. Also make sure that you have time to be with friends and to have fun.
3. Get Sleep
Trying to get sleep in college is acceptable to be compared to winning a million dollars. This may sound exaggerated, but it really isn't. Between late night study sessions or even people being loud, you are more than likely to not get the right amount of sleep. Try your best to get as much sleep as you can in the weeks leading up to finals. If you get the chance to go home, do it and get some sleep in your own bed at home. Even if you don't get to go home often, try and make time for a nap in your day. If you are well rested and caught up on sleep, it will be easier to focus and make the finals somewhat easier.
4. Make a Plan
This one ties in with making a to-do list, but focuses more on the studying aspect. Start studying a little bit each day leading up to finals rather than a few days before. Also, try and think of what studying technique works best for you and stick with it for all of your studying that you need to do. Make practice test questions based off of your notes or make flashcards. Also be sure to make compromises with yourself. Tell yourself that if you study for an hour tonight, you can go out with friends for a little bit or binge watch your favorite T.V. series. Having a plan will make everything much easier and seem less stressful.
5. Breathe
Do not stress yourself out too much. Stress is not good for your body. If you find yourself not doing good in class, remember you always have options. If you would happen to fail a class, it is not the end of the world. You have plenty of time to get yourself back up and focus on your classes in the future. I understand that education in important, but it is also important to remember to relax and not get frustrated with yourself. Make sure that you are as relaxed as possible before taking the final, this will make it easier to remember the material and allow your brain to function properly.
There you have it. 5 things to do before finals get here. Do not worry, I am sure that you will do fine! Just remember to allow time for yourself and have a break from all of your hard school work!