Whether you've decided to stay in Radford for the summer or go home, based on your adult status you will most likely have to make your own meals at some point. Using the stove and online tutorials can seem a little intimidiating at first so here are some starter meals you can make before you get handy in the kitchen.
1. Sandwich
Simply take the bread and add the condiments. You can add meat like turkey and add cheese or be simple and make it a classic peanut butter and jelly.
2. EZ macaroni and cheese
Just add water then put in the microwave usually around 3 minutes then add the packaged sauce then stir.
3. Pasta
Boil water on the stove then add the pasta of your choice. Boil the pasta for allotted time on the box and occasionally stir.
Depending on the directions on the box you can boil or microwave the water to add to the rice and the rice will absorb the water.
5. Pizza Rolls
Either can be put in a pan into the oven or can be microwaved depending on the brand
Of course, if you get tired of these options you can actually venture out and start using the actual stuff in your kitchen like a real adult!