"New Year, new you." We hear this every year, but what does it truly mean? Plenty of people plan on maintaining a new, positive attitude during the new year along with any other number of resolutions, but within a month or two... Well, things get busy. You get bored. I'm here to tell you that's the worst possible thing you can do for yourself. You're causing yourself to be less confident and less sure in your own goals and expectations. This year, here are some resolutions you should keep up with and follow through with!
1. Get healthy.
Come up with a decent diet plan, go to the gym. It's super helpful for stress relief and self confidence.
2. Get smart.
Study until you're confident with your worst subjects, and more so with your best. This year is the year to get that 4.0 you've been dreaming of.
3. Get talented.
Have you ever wanted to learn how to play the guitar? This is your year to learn. Take some classes, pick up whatever hobby interests you -- from music, to language, to art. Just like the others, your confidence (and brain!) will thank you.
4. Get motivated.
Write a list of all of the goals you have for the year. Make sure you stop at nothing to accomplish them. Cross them off as they come. Feel good about it.
5. Get happy!!
Make sure everything you do is because you want to, not because you feel obligated to. See what you can do to further your happiness this year. Take everyday with a grain of salt. Just do your best this year. That's all anyone can ever ask of you!
Most of all, have a happy New Year!