After being at college for a semester and then some, I think I have somewhat figured out what it means to live all on my own and with roommates. There are some things that I brought with me to college or quickly purchased that I cannot imagine living without. With college acceptances coming out around this time, I'm sure high school seniors are eager to pick out their dorm decor! Below are my favorite things that I brought to college!
1. Brita Filter-
I could not have survived first semester without my brita. It is so nice to just go down the hall and go to the sink, and then in a couple of seconds, have freshly filtered water. 10/10 recommend for every college student out there.
2. Drying Rack -
The laundry room washing machines and dryers can be hit or miss at some colleges. You don't want to accidentally put something in the dryer and then have it shrink so you can't ever wear it again. Plus, they collapse so you can store it in your closet when you aren't using it!
3. Command Hooks and Strips -
So so useful! Use them to hang up decorations and lights as well as posters and frames. I also have some on each side of my closet door so I can hang up towels and jackets. Always a good idea to have extra of these on hand at any time.
4. Box fan -
Most freshmen dorms do not have air conditioning, so a box fan is essential if you want to survive through August. Most kids open their window and put the box fan in the window sill to help circulate air flow. Also, keeping your door open will help with the circulation, and gives you a great excuse to meet your new hall mates!
5. Ottoman -
A piece of furniture that serves as a foot rest, extra seat for friends, storage, and step stool all in one is amazing when your room is small. My roommate keeps some of her clothes in hers, while I use mine for laundry and cleaning supplies!