I recently just got over having sinus congestion, coughing issues, and fatigue. To most people, that means I got sick. With myself having Lupus, I don't usually get sick all that often. I would only get flares, which in my case was fatigue, fever — it's almost as if I have the flu, but without the dirty, nasty self.
Most people get sick in college, especially when the seasons start to change, or usually something going around the entire campus. If the over the counter medicine doesn't work, they'll go to their health clinic at school, at a local pharmacy, or visit their doctor. From there, they'll get an antibiotic and they'll have to be big boys and girls and get their prescription filled. But there is one thing that is missing. Sure, you can take care of yourself, but when you got sick someone was always able to take care of you — that's your parents. If you're unlucky enough to get sick while in college, you know the struggles that come with getting sick at school.
1. No one will take care of you — unless you have GREAT roommates.
Let's face it, when you're sick and you're in college, your colleagues aren't going to be by your side since they don't want to catch what you got.
2. You have to make your appointments.
I absolutely despise making my own appointments to the doctor. . .yet I have no problem ordering food for myself. You're going to have to put on your big girl (or boy) pants and make that appointment.
3. You feel miserable.
I can say that while I was sick, I felt awful, especially since I couldn't breathe out of my nose. As much as I enjoyed staying home and resting, it was boring. Time went by really slow and I just didn't want to deal with that anymore.
4. You do everything in your power to get better.
After having the illness that has been ruining your school life, you do everything to get better. Buying medicine, resting, eating soup and just avoiding contact.
5. You finally get better, but the symptoms are still there.
After you got rid of all your symptoms and you're finally ready to go back to class. You get to class for the first time in a week, maybe two weeks and the lecture begins and you suddenly cough. . .and you continue coughing throughout the entire lecture, and you feel the stares and you just want to die.
It sucks being sick, especially when you have to do everything on your own, but that is the part of growing up. To my fellow readers, wash your hands, dress for the weather, and stay healthy.