We have all heard how some people want to make college free for everybody like some other countries already have done. As a college student myself, I am still on the fence about whether or not it should be free especially in today’s time where many people earn degrees and do not have a job in their field. I am in favor of reduced tuition costs. Here are some things I think many of us can agree should be free to all before college tuition is.
1. Feminine Hygiene Products
We have all been told at some point in our lives how important it is to get a college education. While a college degree may be required for certain careers, nobody is technically being forced to go to college. Females are forced to have menstrual cycles every month. Combine that with the added financial burden of purchasing feminine hygiene products, I honestly think tampons should be free before college tuition is free.
2. Preventative Care/Screenings
I would like health care overall to be free, or at the very least significantly less expensive. I feel that it would be in the best interests of everybody that preventative care such as physicals and women wellness exams should be free. Those with no insurance or catastrophic coverage will avoid these vital appointments in order to save money to make ends meet, increasing the chances of a health issue being delayed in its diagnosis, which can sometimes become a life or death situation.
3. Contraception
Say whatever you want about Planned Parenthood. I myself have never been there, but they are a place available to get the necessary information regarding things such as contraception. Women seeking to be prescribed birth control typically need to have a visit with their primary care provider or gynecologist before getting a prescription, which can be an expensive bill for some. Many colleges' health offices have a supply of male condoms for no cost.
Those who end up needing to buy Plan-B or it's slightly less expensive generic brand pill, are paying at least $40 for it. Obviously, it is a lot less expensive than raising a child but is a bit of a steep price for emergency contraception.
4. Water
One universal truth is that we cannot live without consuming water. Many of us fall significantly short of the recommended intake, but that does not mean that we can ever not drink it. It is good that water is not a taxed item, at least it is in my home state of New Jersey. You can always buy a Brita filter to clean up the tap water in your house, but they can be a tad pricey.
5. Savings accounts
I understand that the whole point of having a savings account is to save money. However, life happens and sometimes it is necessary to pull some funds from a savings account. Depending on which bank you use, you may or may not be paying for having a savings account. How does one save money when they stash their savings in an account that charges them a monthly fee?