We all know the truth, Mr. Cruz. He can’t hide from this anymore. All of the evidence points right to him.
1. They look alike.
You can’t deny that Senator Cruz closely resembles the police sketch of the Zodiac Killer himself.
If that isn’t enough to convince you, Cruz also looks very similar to one of the prime suspects of this case, Richard Gaikowski, also known as Dick Gyke.
2. He leaves hidden messages.
It’s hard to see them when you aren’t looking for them. But after some very thorough research into Ted Cruz’s campaign, I have found the message that shows solid evidence that he is guilty.
3. He hates women.
Seven of the Zodiac Killer’s victims were women, which could indicate that he hated women and didn’t believe that they deserved rights, including the right to live. Although Ted Cruz has no record of killing any women (yet), he has expressed opinions on many subjects such as birth control and abortion that could indicate his hatred towards women. If Cruz was to be elected president, he would vote to end funding for companies such as Planned Parenthood, who provide contraception and abortion services. Along with this, he also wants to push to ban taxpayer money for funding abortion. Lastly, he firmly believes that companies should have the right to deny women coverage of their birth control at their discretion. Him holding these beliefs shows that he doesn’t want women to have the right of body autonomy, which points directly to his hatred for women.
4. His favorite TV show is "Criminal Minds."
“Why is this important?” you may ask. But there’s only one reason that this is important: He has a criminal mind of his own.
5. There is solid evidence that he wants to take over the world.
In 1988, Ted Cruz stated on video that his aspirations for himself were to “take over the world.” He can achieve this goal by successfully becoming the Zodiac Killer. This blindsided everyone into believing that he was a good man, but in reality, he was killing off those who opposed him.
If this doesn’t convince you, then I don’t know what will. These are the facts, this is the truth. Ted Cruz is the Zodiac Killer.