Lets face it, struggling with acne is one of the most annoying things that can happen to us. Besides the fact that you have a permanent planet chilling on your face, you also have to deal with the wandering eyes of others headed directly to your zit. And is it me, or is it always people that had never had acne who will try to tell you how to get rid of it? As if you had not thought about drinking more water, eating healthier and even changing your facial cleanser. So, to all my fellow people who know what it is like to suffer with acne, here are 5 things that we want people who don't suffer with acne to know:
1) Pimple Popping
Yes I pop my pimples! No, I will not stop just because you say it will leave scars. Lets be honest, I am saving you from having to stare at my whitehead during our conversation. As for the popped pimple pus on the mirror? Yes, that is me too. I would clean it up but I am in enough pain as is.
2) Five Feet Away Please!
Is it me or do people get all touchy feely with you when you feel new breakouts coming? Nothing is worse than when someone is getting too close to your face and you can feel yourself getting oily. Don't. Do. It. I can literally feel a new pimple coming. So please, keep your distance unless you want to see me freak out.
3) Dryer Than The Sahara Dessert
To be honest, trying to cure acne comes with a lot of trail and error. With so many products on my skin to keep it all in check, dry, flaky skin is inevitable. You might feel urged to tell me my skin is dry although I can already feel it whenever I smile. Case is, save your breathe. I already know my skin is shedding like snake skin. No moisturizer can fix it so yes, I am forced to embrace it.
4) It Is NOT My Diet
Everyone becomes a dietician when it comes to getting rid of my acne. I always hear the same things like, "cut dark chocolate and drink more water." But acne can come from oily hair, dirty pillow cases and pore clogging makeup. So no, it is not my diet. I can diet and exercise and break out even more because of the change to my daily routine.
5) Make Up Off, Pimple Cream On
Nothing feels better than taking off your makeup after a long day. That is especially true for people who suffer from acne. Your skin can finally breathe and once my makeup is off and pimple cream is on, there is nothing that can get me out of bed. Don't try it. While I am sure you will try, know that the washing off process of the pimple cream will be just as tough. Be prepared to watch me scrub off the first layer of my skin. #lookaway #imhideous