Five Things That Make You An Attractive Human Being
1. Smile
I know this seems incredibly silly and probably something quite a few people heard way too many times from their mother. Something that went along the lines of, “Smile dear you look miserable.” However, a smile can definitely make a huge impact and is often one of the first things we notice about a person. Not only will you seem more open and friendly to others but it is proven that smiling will help you will feel more chipper as well.
2. Compassion
Being a kind, caring person is so simple and incredibly important. Taking a moment out of your day to help someone, or make sure they are okay, can do wonders for both their day and yours. We all know someone who has that naturally giving and loving personality and it is so easy to be drawn to their beautiful presence. (I know I sure do and I strive to be more like them.) If you believe in vibes these people give off the best.
3. Ability to Laugh (Even at Yourself)
Laughter is truly the best medicine, especially when you’re having a bad day. Knowing someone who never fails to make you laugh is a blessing. Being someone who can do that for others is a great thing, even if the funny thing is just you.
4. Humility
The stock put in being a humble person seems to have gone into a tailspin in popular society today. Something I truly do not understand. Being humble does not mean being a meek wallflower. Some of the most vibrant people I know are also amazingly modest. It simply means that you recognize your faults, admit to them, and aren’t afraid to go out there and make mistakes so that you can learn. The people who are humble are not afraid to do this because they know that no one is ever right or the best all the time, and that includes themselves. They are some of the most considerate and pleasant people to be around and are secure enough in themselves to look for others who are better than them at things and seek knowledge while their friend’s encouraging growth. The grateful spirit who strives that is secure in themselves yet strives to be more is a joy to be around.
5. Intelligence
Now by this I am not strictly referring to your IQ. You could be the smartest person in the room and yet no one will want to be within ten feet of you because you’re an ass. By intelligence I meal the whole gig, and that includes social and emotional intelligence. These are things that can be learned more often then not. Even if you struggle with any of these simply being honest about that with your friend(s) is incredibly endearing. Having a clever conversation with someone is one of the best things you can experience. This is only made better if the person is open minded and able to read and handle emotional glitches that may happen along the way.