Jump rope may not be recognized as an Olympic sport like swimming or gymnastics, or even an extremely well-known sport, but it’s an incredible sport that is so unique and so special. Jump rope is different from any other sport simply because the activity of the sport itself is so different from others. But aside from the sport itself being different, there are so many things in this sport that you simply just do not find the same way in other sports.
1. The friendships that are formed.
Jump rope causes people to form incredible friendships with people from all over the world. Even though you sadly only get to see those people a few times a year, there’s something about the bond created through a mutual love of such a unique sport that makes those friendships so special and so unlike any other friendships. People who jump rope have a different definition of the phrase “lifelong friends”.
2. The level of creativity.
The way that jump rope enables athletes to express themselves (with nearly no limits) by allowing them to put their own spin on any trick they're given is truly amazing and one of the best things about the sport.
3. The love the athletes have for each other.
If it weren’t for team uniforms, people probably wouldn’t even be able to tell that there are separate teams. No matter what team or country your friends are from, they are standing on the sidelines cheering you on while you’re competing, and they are there to support you no matter what the outcome may be. If your event went well, then they will celebrate with you and hug you, and if it didn’t go well, then they are there to comfort you and help you move on with the rest of the day.
4. The entertainment value.
Jump rope is one of those “you have to see it to believe it” sports. When a jumper tells someone that they jump rope, the immediate reaction is typically confusion. More times than not, it is not until it is explained that people usually form their opinion, but even explanations don’t match up to someone’s reaction of seeing the sport for the first time--whether it be on video or in reality, which usually causes shock and awe.
5. The feeling of community.
The warm-up area at a jump rope competition is so different from the warm-up area at other sports. Rather than seeing people sticking to themselves and their own teams, going over their routines, and practicing the things that typically give them trouble, you see jumpers from other teams teaching each other tricks and helping them with their routines and offering them advice on how to help their routines reach their full potential. Jump rope is a sport that is full of love, support, and athletes wishing nothing but the best for each other, whether they're competing against each other or not.