Everyone knows those days where all I want to do is stay in bed with my dog and watch Netflix. However, life means responsibility, and I can't just stay in bed all day when I have a job. Here are a few things that help me get out of bed when everything is telling me no
Keeping a Bedtime Routine
I've noticed that as soon as I developed a bedtime routine, it was easier to get up in the morning. My routine starts with a shower, then a face mask and some reading. Before you know it, I'm fast asleep. I made sure my routine includes things that make me relax, rather than an imitation of someone else's routine. That way, it feels less like a chore, and more like pampering.
Getting my full 8hrs
Sometimes falling asleep isn't the hard part, staying asleep is. I've always struggled with restless sleep that makes it all the more difficult to get up in the morning. Along with my bedtime routine, I've started drinking sleepy-time tea, which not only helps with relaxation, but also helps me stay asleep. Once I get my full 8 hours, it's not that hard to wake up in the morning.
Even after following your bedtime routine, and getting a full 8 hours of sleep, you can still feel like you have to drag yourself out of bed in the morning. On days like this, I play my "Wake up" playlist, which is full of fun, loud, fast paced music that forces me out of bed.
Delicious Breakfast
Nothing can get me out of bed quicker than anticipation of a delicious breakfast. The smell of eggs cooking, veggie bacon on the stove. The only thing that could stop me from getting out of bed for that is if Jason Mamoa himself brought me breakfast in bed!