Going away to college can bring up so many exciting, and scary feelings. Its scary sometimes because its a brand new place further away from home, from the surroundings that you are used to. Its exciting because it is a new place filled with so much potential. College can give you the chance to do amazing things while you're in, and after you graduate. You don't just learn lessons about history, math, and english, but you learn real life lessons as well. I compiled a list of 5 things that are important for all freshmen to know about going away to college.
1. No, your parents aren't going to be right there with you every minute of the day, but they will always be there for you no matter what. It might be a little scary thinking that you're not going to have your parents there with you . College gives you the opportunity to gain a lot of responsibility, but if you ever need anything your parents love you and will always be there. If you are excited about leaving your parents, and you're saying "I'm out of here they can't tell me what to do anymore". You're right they can't, but don't ignore them because you're too excited about your new life. Call them, keep them in the loop because you going away can take a toll on them as well, and you will miss them.
2. When moving in, do not bring too many things, or big things that will not fit in a dorm room. This one will save you because the rooms are not that big, and if you end up bringing a bunch of stuff, or things like big couches and chairs most likely your going to be sending some stuff back home with your parents.
3. Make sure that you go to most, if not all, of the freshmen events. If you go to most, if not all of these, it can only benefit you. This way you become familiar with, and learn more about the campus than you previously knew. It also gives you a chance to get to know others, and be introduced to all of the different sports teams, clubs, and organizations on campus.
4. It is okay to ask for help. All of the other students were a freshmen at some point, so they know how confusing it can be. You're going to a place that has 6 plus buildings and a bunch of them could be close together and easy to find, but there could be one or multiple that you can't find and it ends up being that they're on the completely other side of campus. So always ask, because it does get confusing and you don't want to be late on your first day.
5. Make sure that you have a good mindset going into it, and make sure you have fun. College is different than high school, it can get hard and complicated, but never give up always try your best; only good things can come out of that. Most importantly have fun, try new things, play sports, join an organization or a club, join multiple. It will make your college experience worth while if you do.
Going away to college has the potential to be one of the most worth while times of your life. It teaches you great responsibility, it teaches you how to be well rounded, and that time management is an important skill. It is serious and you do need to study hard, but also make sure you enjoy this time because it's not forever.