By the time you've reached your final year of college, there is no doubt that you have been through quite a lot; the hours upon hours of homework, all of the tests, quizzes, meetings, and all of those classes that you never thought you would get through--well, after conquering such daunting feats, there are few things that you simply know to be true:
1. It doesn't get any easier.
People might think that by the time you have reached your senior year that you must have everything figured out. Well, for those of us in that position, that can't be farther from the truth. Yes, by the time you reach senior year you have the ins and outs of campus memorized and you know who to talk to in order to swing a free coffee or to persuade a professor to lighten up on the homework, but when it really comes down to it--it's still freakin' hard! You're in higher level classes which, naturally, come with more work. And, instead of worrying about finding the right building or hoping there is someone you know in your class, you are worried about finding a job and figuring out what to do once you walk across that graduation stage in a few short months.
2. No, you never really get used to the food.
It doesn't matter how many times you walk into the dining hall, the food never really gets better. I think that the right way to talk about it would be to say that you build up a tolerance towards the food, but you will never really enjoy it. There will always be times when you are aimlessly walking around the dining hall trying to
3. For no particular reason, the freshmen always annoy you.
Even though they
4. As far as friends are concerned, some come and some go, but your true friends are by your side through thick and thin.
Very rarely do you leave college with the same friends that you
5. You wouldn't trade and second of it because these past years have been some of the best of your life.
Without a doubt, I can say that I wouldn't trade my college experience for anything!