It doesn’t matter what age you are, or even whether your in school or not. No matter what, August is the month that is known as back to school time. So obviously this time is upsetting for a lot of kids, teenagers, and even adults across the country. But if your like me, you don’t mind the start of another 9 months that will be identified as hell on earth at some point. And here are 5 things you know to be true if you don’t suffer those back to school blues:
1) You’re summer was great, but you don’t mind it ending.
Just because you like school starting, doesn’t mean you hate summer. You love the time off, and enjoy the beach, time outside, or just lounging on the couch watching TV for hours. But you understand that even the most relaxing of times can’t last forever. So you don’t mope about it. You know the school year will bring a different kind of atmosphere, but it’s one your prepared and excited for, cause that also means new experiences and adventures.
2) Getting ready for school is exciting to you
While most people whine about school shopping, you get excited about it. Notebooks, books, school supplies, the works. And the older you get, the more excited you get, because it means shopping not just for supplies, but for your whole new “back to school style”, whether that be for your wardrobe, or for your room, especially if you're living in a college dorm. Everything about shopping for the new school year makes you happy, and you look forward to it all summer long.
3) You missed your second family (aka friends)
This one is true at any age, but especially in college, where you might have friends from all over the country. And those three endless months without your closest group can be mentally and physically painful. You’re missing one of your strongest support groups and no weekend visit can compare to basically being around them 24/7 during the school year. #Squadgoals.
4) You hate not being busy
This one is painfully true for me. During the school year, you run around and basically question whether sleep and free time actually exist or are just beautiful sounding myths. But as soon as summer hits, and you actually have time to do all the plans you made but never went through with during the school year, you feel like you might go insane. Its. So. Boring! You need to preoccupy yourself, but no hobby, job, or friends can compare to the insane life you live during the school year. And, whether you admit it or not, when you head back to school, even though you outwardly talk about how annoyed you are with all the crap you have to do, you are secretly beaming with joy at how you'll have something prodcutive to do again.
5) You actually enjoy learning
“Never stop learning because life never stops teaching”-Unknown. As cheesy as this may sound, its so incredibly true. Every day, in and out of school, involves learning something new. About people. About situations. About life. School is a place where this learning can be focused and applied. So for you, school is a opportunity, not a burden.
So let people continue to question your sanity for loving school. You just keep your excitement and have a great start to the year!