With every profession people aim for they will always receive some passive aggressive criticism for their choice. However, with my goal to attend law school, I seem to receive more discouragement than others and I hear the SAME things over and over again. So here are five things students who plan on going to law school are tired of hearing.
1. "You're going to be in debt for a longggggg time"
WE KNOW. Most of us who are interested in law school have done the math. We recognize that not only will undergrad put us in a lot of debt but law school as well. However, like any profession you choose that comes with extensive schooling, we'll eventually get the pleasure of being able to pay it all off.
2. "Do you think you can actually handle it? Law school is so hard"
Although I am young, I have taken the time to thoroughly decide if I could handle law school. We know its tough, everyone tells us, but its truly what we want we will work for it. People graduate from law school all the time, it's not impossible.
3. "So you're not having kids right?"
Do I want to start a family right after I graduate undergrad? No. Do I want to start a family during law school? Absolutely not. However, just because I want to have all of my schooling out of the way and a steady job, does not mean I do not want to start a family. That doesn't mean none of us find family important, we just also find our careers important as well. Furthermore, there are jobs in the law field that can still leave us time for our family.
4. "Job market is tough, good luck getting a job out of law school"
Despite the belief that job market for law graduates is tanked, it is actually rising. In 2016 95% of graduate summer associates were offered a job. For most professions lately the job market isn't great but that doesn't mean we are just going to change our dreams.
5. "Are you sure this is what you actually want to do?"
No, I am not. I am not 100% sure what I want to do with the rest of my life and I'm not sure I ever will be. However, I do know this is what I want to do. I want feel passionate about my job and I want to reach my goals. And if reaching my goals means attending three years of almost hell, then that is what I will do.