Finals week is upon us and we're all freaking out. All the breakdowns, all-nighters, food and coffee all are strong things to get us through the week, but in the end, we don't want to do any of it. There are a plethora of things students do to avoid responsibility, and I might be enabling people but I'm here to share a few.
1. ALL the Netflix.
Have a show you're binge-watching? Just dying to see what happens in the next episode, and not feeling like doing your studying so you don't bomb the final? I'm certainly guilty of looking to Netflix to get my mind off of studying...while I'm trying to study and I'm sure you are too. It's a bonus to just have the background noise so you can "study" and watch your show at the same time. Or instead. Go get 'em tiger.
2. Cleaning Room/House/Bathroom/Everything...
If you're anything like me, a neat freak, it's hard for you to focus when your life outside of school is in disarray. You may also like to bribe yourself into finishing your school work so you can clean/do anything, "Oooohhh... If I get through _____, I can clean my room. Or at least fold my clothes". However, roughly 20 seconds in it's a lost cause and you spend the rest of the night stress cleaning but at least your place looks spotless. Way to go champ, killin' it!
3. Getting Food/Coffee/Anything...
Whether it's getting your favorite snacks, coffee, or just losing yourself and your money in your favorite store (Mine is Target), you'll do dang near anything to leave the house. Leaving the house means not having to do school work, and you can feed your tummy and shopping addiction. It's a bonus if you go with friends who also have a passion for procrastination! Get 'er done.
4. Napping...
Channeling your inner Sleeping Beauty to avoid responsibility is a strong and classic tactic. No need to worry about the finals in all of your hard classes, your love or social life, or your degree. Just take a quick snooze... 20 minutes tops..times 6 and soon enough it'll be bedtime anyway! Napping troubles away helps, and there's nothing wrong with a little recharge. Maybe compromise a little with studying with your favorite blanket. Night night ;)
5. Social Media...Or Anything With Technology...
Hey, your study group might be talking about some tips on the study guide or might have a meeting tonight to study for your final in two days. Maybe you can do that, or check your social media for a message from your crush or upcoming tinder date, record a recipe to make for dinner or a post-final celebratory cocktail (Thank You Tipsy Bartender), or look at some dank memes for a laugh. Whoops! 3 hours went by and you missed your meeting, but you have dinner, drink and date for after your final! Here's to wingin' it, but you might need a little push to get back on track.