By the time you reach your last semester of college you begin to wonder what you will do with the rest of your life. The decisions you make all become real. You feel the pressure of your family, friends and people you look up to. I’m here to tell you to not jump into anything that you’re not ready for. Here are five things you should remember as you’re about to graduate, especially when you feel lost:
1. Don't Overthink
Don’t worry about what other people are doing. Don’t worry about the full-time jobs that all your friends are getting. Your 20’s are a time in your life when you are supposed to jump around from job to job. Dip your toes in every body of water that comes your way to figure out what your passion is. Remember that just because you are offered a job, does not mean that you have to accept that job. Also, once you accept that job, you’re not stuck there forever. Take time to figure out what you really want to do.
2. Enjoy Yourself
Do whatever it is that you want to do. Make sure when you wake up for the day you are excited about what you have planned. Don’t wait and wish for it to be Saturday night. Find something to be excited about on Mondays (for me it’s the bachelor). Find something that makes you excited for a Wednesday! Live day to day with a smile on your face, you will be amazed at your change in attitude.
3. Engagements... your time will come
They are endless… You scroll through Facebook and it’s engagement after engagement, right? You have a group conversation with your girlfriends and you send screenshots of your newsfeed back and fourth of engagement announcements. You use the caption “Shit…another one!” Don’t worry sweetheart, your time will come. It’ll be worth the wait. Enjoy this time while you’re single, hanging out with your girlfriends, because that time will pass. You have the rest of your life to get married!
4. Travel
You’re single, you’re broke, and you have a need for adventure. GO. Just go. Get online, book that plane ticket, and get out of the country. YOU WON’T REGRET IT. Take that money from bartending, babysitting, waitressing or whatever your summer job is and use it. You have six months before your student loans kick in. Be smart about your money, but in all reality, how can you put a price tag on a once in a lifetime experience?
5. Love Endlessly
I’m not saying that you need to be in love at this age. If you’re going to be in love with anything, be in love with your life. Love your friends and love your family. Before you hang up the phone, say, “I love you”. Text your friends randomly and remind them how much you care about them. Wish them luck on their presentations, exams and first dates. Take advantage of the hugs people are willing to give you (especially if they don't usually like hugs)… Tell your friends you miss them. In a few months your entire life will change. Take advantage of the time you have now with the people you love now.
Be who you want to be. Don’t let other people tell you who you should be or what you should do. It’s your life. Live it to the fullest.