Times are tough. It’s no secret that sometimes we can’t always get what we want (cue the Rolling Stones) and we have to settle for less than what we desire. However, there are sometimes that we actually find ourselves settling for less than we deserve. We always grew up understanding the difference between necessity and desire, so then why do we tend to settle on things we need? Here a few things we should never be settling for.
First and foremost, never ever settle on your potential partner for life. I mean, for life… That’s a long time to be with someone you’re just settling for. There are so many people in the world, so if you’re not being treated the way you deserve to be, do not settle and assume that “it’s okay, I can’t really do better.” Because when it comes to the person you’re giving yourself to for the rest of your existence, you deserve the world.
Pretty much the same deal as before. Your friends are your support system, your means for companionship and fun, and you don’t want to look at them and know they’re bringing you down. My best friends are the best best friends, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Don’t settle for anyone who doesn’t elevate you and make you a better person.
OK, OK. I know I said there’s a difference between necessity and desire, but coffee is a major part of our lives. And we go through so much stuff throughout our lives that it makes sense to splurge on something that helps get you through your days. If you’re a caffeine person, don’t be buying that crappy cup of coffee every day. Go to your favorite coffee shop and get that latte you wish you had instead of that dollar cup from Wawa. I promise you it’s worth it, and you deserve the best.
So obviously, we need money. And obviously, we’re going to take whatever job we can so we can make money to survive. But don’t let that stop you from looking for a job in the meantime that you could see yourself doing. While you’re working that minimum wage job to gain experience, keep your eyes peeled for something better and put your resume out there. It can’t hurt to keep trying, and then you'll have the peace of mind to know you’re doing something about changing your environment rather than just settling and doing nothing at all.
Promises to yourself or someone else
You told yourself you would do your best in school this year, but you find yourself procrastinating and taking the C when you know you could have gotten a B or even an A. It’s OK if you tried your hardest, but not if you know you could have done better. You promised your friend or your boss you would do something for them, but then you cut corners and think “what they won’t know won’t hurt them.” But there’s this thing called integrity, and by not settling for mediocre, you’re upholding your own personal values. And those are not things you should be setting aside. Never settle for doing the bare minimum. Live up to your word.
Settling for less than you want is being conscientious and mindful of your money. Settling for less than you deserve is harmful to your physical and psychological health. Know the difference between the two, and never settle for something when you know you should be or could be doing better. You deserve the world and nothing less.