Dating in itself is a rollercoaster, there are so many aspects involved in maintaining a healthy relationship with your partner. Some of the aspects include communication, companionship, honesty, respect, and the topic of sex. Making love for the very first time is a beautiful experience for a new couple to venture together. However, it can also be very intimidating for both involved. When you and your partner decide it’s time to take it to the next level, there are a few important things to think about before you do.
1. You are both entering new territory.
Everyone is nervous for their very first time, but what about your first time with a new partner? Of course, you will be nervous, but so are they. You have never explored them like this and the same goes for them about you. Just take a deep breath and go into it knowing that they are in the same boat that you are in. It should make you much more relaxed and calm.
2. Learn to laugh at your mistakes.
Mistakes happen all the time, even while making love. There are a number of things that could go wrong. You could hit your head off of something, someone could accidentally hurt someone else, and many other things. Instead of getting upset or angry, laugh it off. Your partner will prefer you giggle over a mistake then get upset about it.
3. Don't worry about being perfect.
No one is perfect. It was already established in the previous point that mistakes will be made. The love making will improve over time as you get to know each other and your bodies. Don't go into it expecting a perfect experience when in reality, it doesn't matter what happens, the lovemaking will be great no matter what. If you care about your partner and they care about you, it will still feel perfect.
4. Do not degrade your partner.
You may have more experience than your partner. The last thing you want to do is make them feel like they aren’t good enough for you. If someone has had fewer partners than you, they may feel like they are a waste of your time. If they make a mistake and get embarrassed, give them a reassuring touch or tell them it's okay. You don't want to offend your partner. Also, make sure your partner knows how sexy they are to you. They are just as nervous as you are, so tell them how good they look and give them a confidence boost.
5. Just enjoy yourself.
The act of lovemaking is meant to be a fun experience. It is going to bring you closer than you have ever been with your partner. Also do not forget to use proper protection, whether it be birth control or a condom. It is better to be safe than sorry. No matter what happens, have a good time with your partner and make them feel loved. You and your partner will enjoy it much more.