People often have a skewed and narrow-minded way of looking at feminism.This is partly due to the portrayal of feminism in the media, and the annoying habit some women have had to attack men and other women who do not follow their radical agenda of what they think Feminism should be, rather than what it is. Feminism is often on the butt end of many jokes and is often met with some backlash. However, now and in recent years the movement has grown and has been seen in a more true light , but many still have their misconceptions.
1.Feminism is almost synonymous with equality. It is not women wanting power over men, it is simply giving all genders equal rights and dignities.
2.Feminists do not hate men. Men can be feminists themselves,take Barrack Obama for example.
3.Ladies, you can be a feminist and still wear makeup and dresses and paint your nails and all that jazz that some women enjoy.You can be a feminist and still let a man pay for you on a date if he wants to. Feminism is not about rejecting things that may make you “girly” ; it is about not being seen as less of a person because of it.
4. You do not have to be radical to be a feminist. You do not have to stop shaving your armpits , but you can if you want to. You can crave to get married or to take your husband's last name if you want to. Feminism is simply believing in equal gender rights and putting that into practice.There are no rules outside of that.
5.Patriarchy is still a thing all over the world (including the west), and it's something we should all open our eyes to, so things can stay moving in the right direction. Feminism would not exist if men and women were already treated equally, so do not turn a blind eye to the idea if you do not understand it. Men will almost always make more money than women even when doing the exact same job. Boys are more often portrayed as the hero, they are shown to be stronger, or even more courageous and intelligent. Girls are inadvertently taught to be seen and not heard, while boys are taught to hide their emotions. To do something “like a girl” should not be an insult. What kind of message does that send to your daughters, sisters, nieces, and granddaughters? Feminism is not a case of ‘girls rule boys drool’, it's more like: “Hey, we’re all pretty cool.”