This is for the people who know the struggle of perpetual tangles, finding mysterious food items and never ending stray hairs. These are just some of the things that curly haired people will hear/encounter in their lives purely because of the mop on their head.
1. Random people will come up to you and say, "WOW is that your natural hair?"
This is always funny to me. Whenever someone asks me for advice as to how I curl my hair, all I have to say is that I shower. I mean it when I say I do the absolute bare minimum for my morning routine. Unfortunately, this means I have to shower EVERY morning unless I want to walk around campus with what seems to be a giant knot on my head (this luxury is reserved for the weekend).
2. You'll find hairs that have woven into your or your roommate's clothing.
It gets everywhere. I'm not sure how or why, but my hair somehow finds itself entangled into any object. My roommate often finds a curly strand of hair woven into her socks, sweaters, jackets, you name it. There's probably some stray hairs floating around in my classrooms at this point.
3. Showering everyday means showering in the winter... which leads to frozen hair.
I don't know if other people can manage their curls after rolling around in their sleep, but I absolutely have to shower each morning if I want to tame the monster on my head. When winter comes around, I become a walking icicle, cursing itself for ever thinking an 8 am was a good idea. Spoiler: 8 am's are terrible decisions regardless.
4. Never knowing what product is going to work that day and what isn't.
I've gone through a slew of hair products to make my curls the bouncy and soft heads of hair I see in commercials. Turns out most media is based off of a heap of lies and Photoshop and I'll probably never be Beyonce. Even when I find a product that seems to work, my curls will eventually wisen up and suddenly stop responding to the product. Such is life.
5. Every hair tutorial on Youtube is practically useless on your hair.
Every now and then I try to be cute and look up hair tutorials on Youtube, and then I'll come to the bitter realization that almost none of these will work on me as the girls in the video have straight or iron curled hair. This may just be the case for my type of curls, but God what I wouldn't do to tie my hair in a bow and not have it look like a hot mess.
People will come up to you and say how badly they want you hair, but you know the truth and struggle of it all. Despite all the hardship, after enough old women coo over your lovely curls, you begin to see how beautiful they really are.