Leaving your parents' house and getting out on your own is a big step that most college students take around the time they will be graduation. However, there are five things that no one seems to tell you before you ever think about leaving the nest.
1. Finding an apartment/house takes time.
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No matter how prepared you are, or how much you've been dreaming of your perfect place, finding one is hard and takes time. You can't just jump in and find a nice place on your first try. So slow down, give it time, and make sure the final place you choose is the right place for you.
2. Grocery shopping is hard.
Even if you write out your list beforehand, something is going to get forgotten. Especially if you have something important that you really need, like right now.
3. Paying your bills is stressful.
If your budget is perfect, you might be okay. But if you haven't factored in any leeway for emergencies or unforeseen expenses, paying your bill is going to be a monthly nightmare.
4. Having pets, as awesome as they are, makes everything harder.
Depending on your choice of animal, finding a home that allows your animals is a stretch all in its own. However, once you do get them living in your place, they will annoy you to no end and make you wish you hadn't gotten them in the first place.
5. The last thing that no one tells before you move out is that knowing what you want to do with your life, and finding a career, are two completely different things.
I have ideas on what I'd like to do after I graduate, but I'm nowhere near being able to put those ideas into action, or even being able to figure out how to start putting those ideas forward. No one ever sits you down and tells you that you can dream of doing anything you want, but finding a way to make that happen is an uphill battle both ways.