The world is a tough place to live in. Most of us just want to get by without any failures or embarassment. Life should be more than that. There are some things in life that you should never be afraid to do.
1. Standup or advocate for yourself
Standing up for yourself can be scary. You never know what response you are going to get or how the situation will play out. Don't let that fear take over. You are too good to let someone walk all over you.
2. Go against expectations
Many of us feel that we are expect to live a certain life. Whether you parents want you to have a certain career, or you want to go against societal norms, don't be afraid to do the unexpected. It is your life; do what makes you happy.
3. Go out of your comfort zone
No one wants to do something that makes them uncomfortable. Staying in a safe bubble is much less scary. Nothing bad can happen if no risks are taken. Unfortunately, not much good can happen in that bubble either. You never know what great things are waiting for you. Sometimes you need to get out of your comfort zone to experience them.
4. Push yourself
No one wants to fail. Failing is scary and embarrassing. Sometimes, our fear of failure keeps us from pushing our self to accomplish all that we are capable of. Try new things and work hard. Maybe you will do something you never thought you were capable of.
5. Be yourself
No one ever wants to feel like they are being judged. The easiest thing to do to avoid that feeling is to conform to the rest of society. Don't pretend you are someone you're not. All it will do is make you feel miserable. Be yourself and don't be ashamed of who you are.