Some of these lessons you have actively taught me when I was growing up. Other ones I have learned from watching your actions and examples. Even writing about all you have done for me doesn't do you guys justice. I am forever in debt to you both for raising me to be who I am today. Now that I am in a new environment at college, I see myself as a product of your parenting, and I am proud of who is looking back at me in the mirror.
1. Living a healthy life isn't too hard (with practice).
Seeing you leave for the gym practically every day was inspiring as I sat on the couch and binge-watched Netflix. Now that I am on my own, I know how important it is to take care of your body. Indirectly, you guys also taught me how to balance food, and it helps a lot now that I pick my own meals. I know it is important to eat healthy, but you have also showed me that junk food (in moderation) doesn't hurt.
2. When all else fails, God is there.
This wasn't apparent to me when I was dragging my feet to church every week. I only wanted to sleep in or watch cartoons, but it taught me something that will resonate in my life forever. By your avid faith, you guys have shown me how to live a life with and for God. Both of you have been put through some tough times, whether it was with family issues, job-related problems or me being a little brat. Through these times, I saw both of you keep your head held high and move forward. Being away from home is one of the hardest things I have experienced, and college is extremely stressful, but from the example of your strong faith I know I have God with me at all times.
3. Believe in yourself.
You guys believed in me when I didn't believe in myself, and even when my actions were not practical (to say the least), you two still saw the good in me and you have made that apparent to this day. I'll be the first to admit that having your constant support has led me to where I am today. I am pursuing my passions now, and I have to say I couldn't have asked for a better pairing to stand behind me.
4. Be accountable for yourself.
Constantly being nagged about being proactive in school absolutely drove me up a wall, but I get it now. Good grades and success aren't going to happen by floating through life, and others are not going to do my work for me. I have to take matters into my own hands. You taught me to take responsibility for my actions. If I've done poorly in any aspect of my life, I know I am the only one to blame. You have shown me that I am in control of my life when I am at my lowest lows, and when I feel on top of the world.
5. Being coddled will only get you so far in life.
I always thought you guys were just being "big meanies." It turns out, I am thankful for you guys being tough on me when I needed it. I have thicker skin because of this, and it helps a lot in college. You have taught me to be independent, which will help me immensely in the future. I know that I am not amazing at everything right off the bat, but I also know that only hard work can get me to be where I want to be.
In conclusion, you guys are pretty amazing.