5 Things Moving Out Teaches You About Yourself | The Odyssey Online
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5 Things Moving Out Teaches You About Yourself

It is not easy surviving on your own, luckily I surprised myself.

5 Things Moving Out Teaches You About Yourself

Before I moved out I was positive that I possessed the fundamental qualities for living on my own. I mean, what 20-year-old doesn’t think they're invincible? All I knew was that I was responsible, mature and independent. But as I learned the hard way, sometimes, that’s not always enough to survive. Luckily, I surprised myself.

1. Holy Sh*t, I Could Be the Next Gordon Ramsey!

Or at least his sous chef? Having a Portuguese mother I’ve always been ridiculed for my lack of cooking abilities. “How will you ever survive on your own if you don't care to learn” was a song constantly on replay in my household. And to be honest, when I settled into my apartment I actually panicked when I realized living off of take-out isn't cost effective or a way to lose ten pounds. But, it was surprising how eager I actually was to cook. It became strangely exciting to nurture myself. And before I knew it grocery shopping became my second favorite activity next to cooking. I created my own concoctions that even my picky mom wanted to try… and guess who stole MY recipe?

2. Wait… Can I actually hit deadlines?

I never realized how luxurious it was when my life involved walking down a few steps and handing my dad money for my bills at my leisure until I couldn't. I almost reverted back to infancy thinking about having to pay a bill on time. But then, I did it. And I didn’t stop. Oddly, it was easy! And now I’m National Grid’s favorite customer paying bills two weeks early. Victory dance!

3. Mrs. Clean

“You’re a slob.”

“You’re gonna live in filth one day.”

“Do you even know how to clean?”

Who knew that one day my mom’s complaining would pay off?

Paying for my apartment and everything in it really makes a person treasure their home. I was proud that this was mine. And I mean, cleaning with a glass of wine really isn't the worst chore, right?

4. I’m a professional Juggler

First job, School, Second job, homework, food, repeat. Working 50-60 hours a week with a full-time course load is something I could never understand until I had to do it. I truly didn’t think my body was capable of running on a handful of hours of sleep every night but I actually thrived. Every day I pushed myself harder and harder. It also forced myself to become better organized by planning my meals, when to do laundry, scheduling homework and any bit of a social life I could get. I created routines and had the motivation to get my objectives done. Don’t get me wrong though… I was usually pretty irritable and dark circles and bags became my new look.

5. I’m my favorite boss

I have always been really fortunate to have parents who cared about my life and everything that entailed. They have always wanted the best and to watch me succeed. But, that hovering follows when you're an adult. Living on your own gives you that freedom of being able to do what you want in the manner you want with zero input from the peanut gallery. Now, I’ll always appreciate my parent's opinion and wisdom but comes to find out, I’m actually more productive when I don’t have someone over my shoulder guiding me. Who knew I could do it?

So, if you're reading this and possibly holding yourself back from taking that next step: Don’t. Moving out is the most liberating feeling. Sure, you’ll hit bumps. And, hey it may take a while to figure it all out. But regardless, along the way, you’ll be discovering pieces of yourself. Pieces you can’t get when you hold yourself back. So take the chance, and make the move. It’s completely worth every struggle.

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