5 Things All Millennials Should Start Caring About
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5 Things All Millennials Should Start Caring About

For the sake of your future, put down your twitter and read the news.

5 Things All Millennials Should Start Caring About

"Our Life begins to end the day we become silent about the things that matter." -MLK

It's a sad day when you realize that most of your friends know more of what's happening with the Kardashian family than with our government. I get it, it's much more entertaining, and a lot less depressing, to scroll through Snap chat filters instead of through the latest news. Swipe right to that cute guy from Com class, or swipe through the controversial comments from Donald Trump? The answer seems obvious. But come'on, huge things are happening and it's time to start making a stand. With the election around the corner, here are 5 major things all millennials should start caring about.

1. Climate Change is Very Real

There's a lot of skepticism on this one, but you're college educated so it shouldn't be too difficult to realize the facts out number the skeptics. Sure, you can't make it rain in California or refreeze the glaciers in the Arctic. But you can start recycling the 30 plus beer cans you rip through every weekend. We all know what the top of your cupboard looks like, so when you move out why not recycle the shameless collection of liquor bottles of you've been showcasing.

2. Big Pharma is the disease, not the medicine

OK, so in your defense this one isn't something people think about on a day to day basis. But it is critical you start looking into it. Big Pharma recently has hiked their prices of a single pill for certain diseases up to $1,000 each. The price of EpiPens has increased 400% this year. And your doctor that seems so confident and caring in your treatment, well he's getting a pretty fat paycheck for prescribing you that med. So he may be confident, but it's probably in his finances and not your health. If this injustice doesn't strike a fire in you, maybe your not human or maybe you're just living in the dream that you'll have mom and pops insurance plan forever.

Read up on the latest news here: http://other98.com/big-pharma-is-laughing-to-the-bank/

3. Because you live in America, you're already in the 1%

Drowning in student loan debt? Taking the bus to your minimum wage job? Trying to get buy living in the bad part of town? However bad you have it, if you have it in America you're still part of the top 1%. It's time to stop complaining about being poor in college and start realizing what's happening in other parts of the world. Pissed because your mom won't buy you the new iphone? Try being a part of the 60% of the planet that still doesn't even have internet access. If that percentage surprises you, imagine the percentage for world hunger and homelessness. Learn more here: http://inequality.org/global-inequality/

4. Your civil liberties are shrinking

The CyberSecurity Information Sharing Act? The Patriot Act? Ringing any bells? If you haven't heard of these two you'll probably want to look them up now, like right now. Whether it's phone calls, emails, face book messages, or texts; the NSA has access to track, trace, and record any data you send out via internet, satellite or phone towers. If you're not part of a drug smuggling cartel you're probably not too concerned. Why would the NSA want to here you trash talk Becky anyway? News flash, this is a huge violation of privacy and much of it was done illegally. It may not seem huge now but what's next, cameras in your apartment? We've all seen Enemy of the State. Learn more here: http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/year-ahead-project/#part5

5. The Equality Act and what it means

A year ago Americans witnessed history being made with the passing of The Equality Act. One hundred years ago America witnessed history with The Women's Suffrage Act. (Hell yeah Susan B. you're the real MVP). Equality is long over due, but still not without repercussions. It's important to research the injustices around you and do anything necessary to get your voice heard. Fight for your rights and for rights of those who can't fight for their own. So step outside the confines of your relationship drama or sorority rivalry and open your eyes to what's really unjust in the world. Unlike your usual issues, no amount of vodka sodas can flood these problems away.

If the hardest decision of your day is whether to hit up Daddios or the Pub and your most difficult challenge is your Math 130 assignment, you're living life wrong. Do yourself a favor and get educated on what's happening in the world and how you can change it. Your friends at he Pub are today, but these issues are your future.

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