If you have them, you know how amazing they are.
There are lots of reasons to love the crazy ladies I call sisters, but if I had to choose the top 5 things I love about my sisters, they would be:
1.They tell me when I'm being overly bitchy
I can't even tell you how many conversations have started with "is this too mean?". Society should really write us thank you cards for editing our sisters rants and making them less abrasive. And for those of you who have been on the receiving end of one of our well thought out smack downs: it could have been 10 times worse.
via">https://giphy.com/gifs/bitchy-rVFHSvDIsfoiY">via GIPHY
2. They boost my confidence when I need it
"Can I pull this outfit off?"
"You are ROCKING that outfit".
Sometimes you just need to hear it from a respected source.
via">https://giphy.com/gifs/mia-goth-94f0gzOF8JSlq">via GIPHY
3. We are annoyed by the same people/things
Did that crazy aunt post something super racist on her facebook again? Did your high school teacher just make an inappropriate comment when you bumped into them at the grocery store? They share your annoyance.
via">https://giphy.com/gifs/eye-roll-bitch-please-Fjr6v... GIPHY
4. They are ALWAYS there for me. Even when we're talking and I randomly start crying because my 1 year old hasn't let me sleep in a week.
via">https://giphy.com/gifs/friends-reactiongifs-oOX5qI... GIPHY
5. They love me despite all of my flaws and I love them even more
via">https://giphy.com/gifs/love-i-you-that-70s-show-2d... GIPHY